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Discussion 7.1 Reality Television

Discussion 7.1 Reality Television

Q Read and respond to the essay, "The Reality Principle." What is important to author Kelefa Sennah about reality television?

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The article very much expresses the ideas which we all possess about reality TV but rarely want to express it. The concept or culture of reality TV thrives on the voyeuristic tendencies of human beings. We are always interested to know or see what is happening in other person’s life. The way ‘reality’ TV has evolved is freakishly strange and it really feels odd to even use the word ‘reality’ in this context. There is no reality. There is simple planned and scripted nonsense which brings about high ratings and audience. It is a matter of discussion that why are people attracted to this nonsense? Is it because we are made to believe that this is reality? Or is it because we see non-actors perform and act out on TV?